

What is the Curiosity Approach?

February 29, 20242 min read

At Saffrons Park Nursery, we are an accredited Curiosity Approach setting.

It’s a beautiful recipe of wonderful ingredients, that is made up of the following:


We use everyday, real life objects with our children. The children also take part in different everyday ‘job’ such as laying the table, watering the plants etc.

Reggio Emilia

We believe in the ‘Environment as a third teacher.’ We observe all of our children as individuals and our learning environments are set up with authentic and open ended resources, in order to capture their interest and create deeply engaged children. We believe that all children are capable and curious learners.


Our nursery is created as an extension of a child’s home. We create our spaces for the children to feel cosy, warm and homely. We do this through the way we use lighting, soft furnishings and other items.

accredited Curiosity Approach setting
Emmi Pikler

Our under 2’s are allowed to naturally unfold within their physical development. We will never put our youngest babies into a position that they are unable to get out of for themselves.

Te Whãriki

We give our children and staff a sense of belonging. All Family groups have their own learning environments; inside and outside. These are created into personal spaces for the staff and children that use them.


Steiner focused on the routines and rhythms of the day, week, month and year. Within our setting, our team think carefully about the routines within their day and week and create little rituals with the children. As part of celebrating the rhythms of the year, we celebrate each season with the children. We will set up different Invitations to Learning around our setting.

creating ‘thinkers and doers ’

At Saffrons Park Nursery we aim to create ‘thinkers and doers ’ by putting the child at the centre of their own development and education. If you are a parent and would like to know more about the Curiosity Approach and how you can implement things at home, we will soon be starting our ‘Curious Parents’sessions. If you would be interested in attending then please let us know:

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Saffrons Park Nursery, Saffrons Sports Ground, Compton Place Road, Eastbourne. BN21 1EA

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